Wih having divrce i carried anher marriage and hen prchased a fla frm my wn hard earned mney b in


Without having divorce i carried out another marriage and then purchased a flat from my own hard earned money but in the name of 2nd wife. Now after 8 years the 2nd wife has left me and not willing to come. She is now residing with her family in another flat which is on my name with our two sons. I am residing in this flat which was brought by me in her name. What is the legal ownership of this flat. Since flat was purchased with my legal money wouldn't i have capacity to stay in this flat until i alive with my 1st wife. If i like to vaccate my other flat from the family of my 2nd wife in case she will remarry or live-in somebody, what is the legal provision. Can she could create problem in my staying in this flat. Please guide me.

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